21 RANDOLPH STREET, THOMASVILLE, NC 27360 - 336.476.4110
First Presbyterian Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
A Caring Community of God's People

Leadership Discovery

Our Vision:
The people of First Presbyterian Church, in response to God's love, are called by the Holy Spirit to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through the use of our individual and collective gifts in teaching, worship, service and fellowship. 
The work of our church is accomplished through the talents and time of members, with help from our professional staff.
We hope that you will prayerfully consider where God might be leading you to serve.  After reading the brief descriptions of the seven committees, please let us know if you would like to serve on one of these committees.  Feel free to contact the chairs if you have questions.
COMMITTEE (chairperson)

Mission: To provide policy, planning and oversight of the administration of the financial assets of the church, and to encourage the stewardship and giving by members of the congregation to the work of the Church.

The Stewardship/Finance Committee promotes the stewardship of time and talents, oversees the budget and finances of the church, leads the annual stewardship campaign and makes regular reports to the Session and congregation concerning the state of the church's finances.  
Mission:  The mission of the Personnel Committee is to be responsive to the staffing needs of First Presbyterian Church of Thomasville.
The Personnel Committee is a task force directly responsible to the Session of First Presbyterian Church of Thomasville who seek to discern God’s will in making recommendations to the Session; to carry out the responsibilities of hiring, oversight and supervision of non-ordained staff in a manner that builds relationships among committee, staff, and congregation, and that strengthens church staff to fulfill their designated roles in leading the congregation as it carries out the mission and ministry of the church.  

Mission: To promote and provide opportunities for Christian growth for all age groups.
The Christian Education Committee plans and oversees Sunday School, weekday Bible Studies, special classes, educational retreats, youth fellowship program, confirmation classes and the Vacation Bible School program.
Mission: The mission of the Congregational Care Committee is to nurture and express the unity of the body of Christ at First Presbyterian Church of Thomasville.
The Congregational Care Committee cares for and nurtures our members: organizing fellowship opportunities; arranging transportation for church members, if needed; forming and monitoring  shepherding groups; welcoming visitors; send cards to and/or visit the sick, homebound or bereaved; keep the congregation apprised of any prayer concerns, upcoming events, or needs of individuals in the church

Mission:  To provide a facility that invites all people to the good news of Jesus Christ.

Building and Grounds Committee maintains the church's property; gathers quotes and makes vendor recommendations for any repairs; oversees its cleaning, security, property insurance, use of the building, and supplies for the kitchen and cleaning service; does minor repairs and leads church workdays.
WORSHIP AND MUSIC - (Anice Griffin)
Mission: It is the mission of the Worship and Music Committee to plan for worship that is open to the Holy Spirit, reflective of our diversity, and sensitive to the circumstances and needs of our particular congregation.
The Worship Committee oversees weekly and special worship services including arrangements for visiting preachers when our minister is absent; coordinates weddings and funerals; provides for ushering and greeters; prepares for Sunday morning coffee time;  prepares the elements for celebrating the sacraments; and arranging the sanctuary.  The Worship Committee also oversees the music program of the Church.
Mission: The mission of the Service/Outreach Committee is to serve Christ through serving our neighbors in our community and our world. 
The Service/Outreach Committee coordinates our response to human needs in our community and the world, such as; promoting Nickels For Hunger, Cooperative Community Ministries Thomasville soup kitchen; food collection; Habitat workdays, and financial support for local, national and international missions to relieve suffering and spread the gospel.