21 RANDOLPH STREET, THOMASVILLE, NC 27360 - 336.476.4110
First Presbyterian Church
Saturday, April 20, 2024
A Caring Community of God's People

ADVENT - 2010

28 days in which we prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

<!-- B -->ADVENT - 2010

Hanging of the Greens (decorating the Church)

Greenery is placed in each of the windows of the sanctuary the first Sunday of Advent.

Hanging of the Greens (decorating the Church)

Decorating the Church

The window greenery holds a candle

Decorating the Church

Decorating the Church

A Christmas tree is set up in the Sanctuary and in the Fellowship Hall.

Decorating the Church

First Sunday of Advent

Lighting the First Advent Candle                                                            We light this candle because we refuse to let go of Isaiah’s hope
Let us pray that waiting for Christmas may show us                                        that swords can be beaten into plowshares, and spears into pruning hooks,
how to be patient when things take time,                                                        and that nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
how to live for Christ day by day,                                                                  neither shall they learn war any more. (Isa. 2:4)
In Isaiah, chapter 2, the prophet declares that in days to come                        Risen Christ, Light of the world,
God will judge between the nations,                                                                shine in our lives and shine among us now.
and arbitrate for many peoples.                                                                       

First Sunday of Advent

Second Sunday of Advent

Lighting the Second Advent Candle                             
In Isaiah 11:9, the prophet declares,                                                               that truth will prevail, and justice be done, for all people.
They will not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain;                                     As we pray and work for truth, compassion, and justice, near and far—
for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of God,                                         Risen Christ, Light of the world,
as the waters cover the sea.                                                                           shine in our lives and shine among us now.
We light this candle as a sign of hope 

Second Sunday of Advent

Third Sunday of Advent

Lighting the Third Advent Candle                                                      
In Isaiah 35:5–6, the prophet declares that when God comes                  As we witness to the power of healing love,
among us, the deaf shall hear, the blind shall see,                                   in ourselves and in others—
and the tongue of the speechless shall sing for joy.                                 Risen Christ, Light of the world,
We light this candle as a sign of our hope                                               shine in our lives and shine among us now.
that God’s love in Christ brings healing to us,
and to the whole world.

Third Sunday of Advent

Pastor Lamm talks with our little saints during Children's Moment

On most Sundays Pastor Mike Lamm calls the children up front to tell them a story related to that days sermon and have a moment of prayer with them.

Pastor Lamm talks with our little saints during Children's Moment

The third week of Advent our Choir performed a Chirstmas Cantata

'Run, Ye Shepherds, to the Light' with soloist was Miss Sarah Jones preforming 'While Shepherds Watched' and 'Recitative'

The third week of Advent our Choir performed a Chirstmas Cantata

Pastor Lamm with Miss Sarah Jones

Pastor Mike Lamm congragulated Miss Jones on her excellence performance.

Pastor Lamm with Miss Sarah Jones

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Lighting the Fourth Advent Candle
The prophet Isaiah declares,                                                                Let us pray that we may trust that God is with us
“A young woman is with child,                                                            and live in the light of Christ’s coming—
and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel                             Risen Christ, Light of the world, 
[which means: God-With-Us.].”                                                          shine in our lives and shine among us now.
The risen Christ declares,
“I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
We light this candle as a sign of God’s presence in Christ,
now and always.

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Weekly Advent banners behine the pulpit

Each week during Advent one banner is added to the wall in the sanctuary until all four are on display.

Weekly Advent banners behine the pulpit