21 RANDOLPH STREET, THOMASVILLE, NC 27360 - 336.476.4110
First Presbyterian Church
Saturday, February 08, 2025
A Caring Community of God's People
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11.26.2017-Do It For Me
11.19.2017-Risk Knowing Your Neighbor
11.12.2017-Who is Your Neighbor? II
11.05.2017-Who is Your Neighbor?
10.29.2017-Always Reforming
10.08.2017-I AM the Lord Your God
10.01.2017-Is There Anything Here to Eat?
09.17.2017-Rent Free
09.03.2017-Called to Save
08.27.2017-Had It Not Been for the Lord
08.20.2017-What Would Jesus Say?
08.13.2017-Testing God!
08.06.2017-Abundance and Compassion
07.23.2017-Weeds, Seeds and Other Things of This World
07.16.2017-A Lamp Unto My Feet
07.09.2017-Come to Me, All Who are Weary
07.02.2017-Fill My Cup, Lord
06.25.2017-All of Me
06.18.2017-I Love You Lord
6.11.2017-Blessed Community
06.04.2017-Gifts of the Spirit
05.28.2017-He Lives, We Live
05.14.2017-Corner Stones
05.07.2017-Generous and Growing
04.30.2017- Whose, Who is, Who's God?
04.23.2017-Imagine the Surprise
04.16.2017-Easter People! Arise!
04.02.2017-Can These Bones Live?
03.26.2017-Open My Eyes
03.19.2017-Gimmie! Gimmie!
02.19.2017-We Plant and Water
01.29.2017-Through the Power
01.15.2017-Not Lacking in Anything
01.01.2017-Another Way
12.24.16-Christmas Eve
12.18.16-The Time is Near
12.04.16-All Dressed Up
11.20.16-In Him All Things Hold Together
11.13.16-Following Examples
11.06.16-Looking Forward
10.30.16-not to condemn, but...
10.23.16-The Bounty of Forgiveness
10.16.16-Prayer, Persistence & Politicians
10.09.16-Gratitude - Our Response to God
09.25.2016-Stop! Look! Listen!
09.18.2016-Modern Slavery
09.11.2016-Where Is Our Hope?
09.04.2016-In the Hands of he Potter
08.28.2016-Radical Hospitality
08.21.2016-Rekindle the Fire
08.14.2016-Run with Perceverance
08.07.2016-Gap Between Practice and Praise
07.31.2016-Act Like It!
07.24.2016-Let Your Living Spill Over into Thanksgiving
07.17.2016-What Do You See?
07.03.2016-Loads vs Burdens
06.26.2016-Freedom Living
06.12.2016-Where Does Jesus Live
05.29.2016-Pleasing in His Sight
08.2016-King of the World
05.01.2016-Spirit-Led Route
04.17.2016-Take My Hand
04.10.2016-One Shinning Moment
04.03.2016-Holy Humor
03.27.3016-Risen & Renewed
03.24.2016-Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service
03.20.2016-Palm Branches and Thorns
02.14.2016-Temptations & Promises
02.10.2016-Ash Wednesday
02.07.2016-Removing the Veil
01.31.2016-All Eyes
01.17.2016-The Church: Good, Bad or Indifferent
01.10.2016-Laying Hands On
01.03.2016-By Another Route
December 27, 2015-Seeking Him
December 6, 2015-Voices Crying Out
November 29, 2015-Hanging of the Greens & Chrismon Service
November 15, 2015-Perfecting the Imperfect
November 8, 2015-Giving
November 1, 2015-Celebrating the Saints
October 25, 2015-On Our Behalf
October 11,2015-Give It Up for Jesus
September 27, 2015-If Not Who Could Stand
September 20, 2015-Blind, Deaf, and Stiff-necked Witnesses
September 13, 2015-The Spoken Word
September 6, 2015-Celebrate Life
August 30, 2015-The Body Parts
August 23, 2015-Whose Shoes Are You Wearing
August 16, 2015-Living Wisely
August 2, 2015-Bread of Life
July 19, 2015-Deja Vu All Over Again
July 12, 2015-Look and Live
July 5, 2015-By Faith
June 28, 2015-Table Talk
Mike Lamm's final sermon before he retired on June 30, 2015
June 21, 2015-Our Feminine God
June 14, 2015-Keeping Faith in the Storm
June 7, 2015-Missing Out on Salvation
May 31, 2015-Our Changing God
May 24, 2015-Paraclete
May 17, 2015-Celtic Treasure.....Cathy Lamm, Women's Sunday
May 10, 2015-Do Love Walk
May 3, 2015-An Expensive Lesson Ignored - Part 3
April 26, 2015-An Expensive Lesson Ignored - Part 2
April 19, 2015-An Expensive Lesson Ignored - Part 1
April 12, 2015-The Resurrection of Thomas
April 5, 2015-Do We Really Believe?
March 29, 2015-Psalms and Palms
March 15, 2015-Psalm 19
March 8, 2015-Credited to Us
February 22, 2015-Rainbows and Covenants
February 15, 2015-Transfiguration
February 8, 2015-Christs Priorities
February 1, 2015-Knowledge in Service to Love
January 25, 2015-The Passing of the World
January 18, 2015-Answering God's Call
January 11, 2015-Christ's Baptism
January 4, 2015-A Message we Keep Ignoring
2014-Comfort My People
November 30, 2014-Community Responsibility
November 23, 2014-Sheep and Goats
November 16, 2014-Field and Stream
November 9, 2014-Bleak Malaise
October 12, 2014-Stand Firm in the Lord
October 5, 2014-Nothing Else Really Matters
September 28, 2014-Seeking a Vision
September 21, 2014-Risk Management
September 14, 2014-Centered Faith
September 7, 2014-The Better, Harder Way
August 10, 2014-Faith and Fear
August 3, 2014-Holy Library 2
July 27, 2014-Holy Library
July 20, 2014-Law or Spirit?
Jul 13, 2014-A
hild Sacrifice
July 6, 2014-Our Marching Orders
June 22, 2014-Councils
June 15, 2014-On Life Now and Then-Charlie Quick
June 8, 2014-Pentecost
June 1, 2014-Living Stones
May 11, 2014-Church Dreams
May 4, 2014-
Life-Giving Seed
April 27, 2014-Judas Iscariot
April 20, 2014-Easter's Other Miracle
April 13, 2014-A Humble Parade
April 6, 2014-Love and Hate
March 30, 2014-Odd Choices and Priorities
March 23, 2014-Jesus and the Shady Lady
March 16, 2014-Adoption Rules
March 9, 2014-Yeild Not to Temptation
March 2, 2014-Mystery and Ambiguity
February 2, 2014-Justice - Mercy - Walking
January 26, 2014-The Extravagance of God
January 12, 2014-The Baptism of Jesus
January 5, 2014-Governing Gods Way
December 24, 2013-Why Are You Here?
December 8, 2013-Peace
December 1, 2013-Advent
November 24, 2013-A Dinner Invitation - Redeux
November 17, 2013-Honest to God Religion
November 10, 2013-Buckets and Watering Cans
November 3, 2013-Shiny gods - 2
October 27, 2013-Shiny gods -1
September 1, 2013-Humble Pie
August 25,2013-Many Talents
August 18, 2013-Email Theology
August 11, 2013-Conceiving the Eternal
August 4, 2013-Relax, Eat, Drink, Be Merry
July 28, 2013-Measure by Measure
July 21, 2013-The Broken Whole
July 7, 2013-Just a Closer Waltz with Thee
Jume 30, 2013-Freedom Blossoms
June 23, 2013-Dine and Dash
Jume 16, 2013-Utterings and Mutterings
Jume 9, 2013-The Washe- Up Widow
June 2, 2013- Just Say the Word
May 26, 2013-The Dancing Economy
Nathan Peifer
May 12, 2013-A Certain Place
Nathan Peifer
April 28, 2013-Life Vests Inside
April 21, 2013-Some Revelations
April 7, 2013-Fast Track Reconciliation
March 24, 2013-King of Scum
March 17, 2013- Life and Death at the Dinner Table
Nathan Peifer
March 10, 2013-Reconciliation
March 3, 2013-Older and Wiser
February 24, 2013-Too Slow to Fast
February 17, 2013-Southern Swimmers
February 10, 2013-Jacob (part 2)
February 3, 2013-Jacob
January 27, 2013-Tell the New Old Story
Nathan Peifer
January 20, 2013-Oxen and Sparrows
January 13, 2013-Baptism
Decembe 24, 2012-Singing a New Song
December 23, 2012-Disturbing Music
December 16, 2012-Serenity
December 2, 2012-Are We There Yet?
November 25, 2012-Giving Thanks
November 18, 2012-Begats
November 11, 2012-Abraham and Isaac
November 4, 2012-Abram and Lot
October 28, 2012-The Call of Abram
October 21, 2012-Being Rich Toward God
October 14, 2012-A Leap of Faith
October 7, 2012-The First Step in Giving
September 23, 2012-Noah
September 16, 2012-Adam and Eve
September 9, 2012-The Second Creation
September 2, 2012-Creation
August 26, 2012-Feasting on the Word
August 19, 2012-What Shall We Eat
August 12, 2012-Stealing the Lamb
August 5, 2012-Hidden in Plain Sight
July 29, 2012-David the Reprobate & Profligate
July 8, 2012-Reflections of America
July 1, 2012-Salvation Later
June 24, 2012-Salvation
June 17, 2012-The Lord's Supper
June 3, 2012-Nick's Journey
May 27, 2012-Freedom
May 13, 2012-Complete Joy
May 6, 2012-Teachers and Students
April 29, 2012-Laying Down Our Life
April 22, 2012-Do You Love Me?
April 15, 2012-Still Hiding, Still Sought
April 8, 2012-Finishing the Story
April 1, 2012-A Battered Gospel
March 25, 2012-Breaking our Hearts
March 18, 2012-Discounting and Dismissing God
March 11, 2012-God's Foolishness
March 4, 2012-Reclaiming Our Lives
Feb. 26,2012-Prefection in Love
Feb. 19, 2012-Surprised by Love
Feb. 12, 2012-Damned By Worship
Feb. 5, 2012-A Shepherd Speaks
Jan. 29, 2012 - Word of God
Jan. 22, 2012-Inspiration
Jan. 15, 2012-Bible History
Part 1 Septuagint
Part 2 Jewish Canon
Part 3 Catholic Old Testament
Part 4 Orthodox Old Testament
Jan. 8, 2012-The Family Scrapbood
Dec. 25,2011-The Purpose of the Visit
Dec. 24, 2011-Came to see whom
Dec. 18, 2011-How Can I Keep From Singing
Dec. 4, 2011-Peace
Nov. 27, 2011-Hope
Nov. 20, 2011-Thanksgiving
Nov.13, 2011-Leadership
Nov. 6, 2011-Humility
Oct. 30, 2011-Heaven
Oct. 16, 2011-Mind and Body (part 2)
Oct. 9, 2011-First Fruits and Tithes
Oct. 2, 2011-Gleeful Giving
Sept, 25, 2011-Stewardship of Gifts and Debts
Sept. 18, 2011-Mind & Body--part 1
Sept. 11, 2011-Decline from 9/11
Sept. 4, 2011-Dangerous Scripture
Aug. 28, 2011-Psalm 23 Unshackled
Aug. 7, 2011-Leaving the Boat
July 31, 2011-Gideon the Reluctant
July 24, 2011-Popcorn Parables
July 17, 2011-Being Yoked
July 10, 2011-Drive By or Sit By
June 26, 2011-Stages of Faith
June 19, 2011-Believing is... (Faith is..part three)
June 12, 2011-Faith is... (part two)
June 5, 2011-Faith is.......
May 22, 2011-Preaching on Sand
May 15, 2011-Being the Church
May 8, 2011-The Way of Life
April 24, 2011-Gift or Guide
April 21, 2011-Why didn't He Tenebrae
April 17, 2011-Who is this Jesus
April 10, 2011- Sawdust or Ceiling Beam
April 3, 2011-Anxious and Distracted
March 27, 2011-Divided Loyalties
March 20, 2011-Publicity and Posturing
March 13, 2011-Divorce and Swearing
March 6, 2011-Dealing with Conflict
Feb. 27, 2011-Anger and Adultery
Feb. 20, 2011-Fulfilling the Law
Feb. 13, 2011-The Future of Equality
Feb. 6, 2011-Beyond Our Belly Button
Jan. 30, 2011-Do We Want These Blessing
Jan. 23, 2011-Fretting Squabbling
Jan. 16, 2011-God's Will for Your Life
Jan. 9, 2011-Revelation of the Magi
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